Simply put, a Showgirl Silkie is a unique cross between a silkie and a naked neck chicken (also lovingly referred to as a Turken). The face only a mother could love.

What is a Showgirl Silkie?
Again, a Showgirl Silkie is a cross between a Silkie and a Turken. You may find large pictures in this article (not from us) about Showgirl Silkie.
At some point in the chicken breeding world, there was a person who sat in bed and thought … “I wonder what would happen if I combined the cutest chicken with one of the most awkward looking ones?”
And they did it!
Then, ironically, called it the “Showgirl Silkie” (no matter it’s gender). Because what else do you call a bird that is beautifully and fluffy with the neck of a dinosaur?
Showgirls are aptly named after the stunning plumage at the top of their heads, closely resembling that of a Vegas Showgirl. They are sweet and kind with a propensity toward broodiness and are the pièce de résistance as a standout hen in the backyard flock.
Let’s explore this stunning chicken!
Breed History
The Showgirl Silkie is a relatively new breed of hybrid hen making an appearance in the 21st century as backyard farmers and unique breeders searched for a way to create a new and exciting variety of a classic chicken.
Showgirls can trace their lineage back hundreds of years when examining the contributing chickens, the Asiatic Silkie and the Transylvanian Naked Necks, also known as the Turkens.
This combination effectively increased the size of the Silkie while maintaining most of it’s stunning appeal.
A silkie chicken is a lovable and adorable chicken with feathers like fluff.
“It’s SOOO FLUFFY! I’m gonna die!!!” (Ok, if you’re not a parent, and you haven’t seen Despicable Me three hundred times, you may not get the reference but I assure you, if Agnes can squeeze the stuffed unicorn because it’s adorably fluffy, than this breed of chicken is the poultry equivalent).
Their unique plumage is the result of a lack of barbicels (the minute hooks on feathers that cause the fluff to stick together, thus forming the traditional “feather”) which allow the individual strands of feathers to floof like a tiny stuffy.
Essentially, instead of feathers, the silkie is furry and adorably so.
Another unique feature of the fluff ball chicken is it dark skin and beak. Their skin, eyes, and beak are a deep black while their earlobes are turquoise or mulberry.
Last fun feature, they have five toes!
They are a regular gem in the chicken world and a pleasure to have on the homestead.
Turken (Naked Neck Chickens)
Here is where we get into the territory of “a face only a mother could love”.
Naked neck chickens are similar to traditional large fowl with one defining trait.
Their necks are NAKED. See another example in this article about Showgirl (not from us), or in our article about rare breed chicken hatchery.
That’s right, there are no feathers on their necks!
Thus, they bare a passing resemblance to a small turkey more so than a traditional chicken.
Why A Showgirl?
You may be wondering why would someone choose to purchase or breed Showgirl Silkies.
It’s simple, they encompass all the wonderful temperaments and qualities of the Silkie with the unique obscurity of the Turken.
They are docile, clean, easy to care for, have a tendency toward broodiness (and make amazing mother hens), and they are literal show stoppers.
Special Care Considerations
Showgirls are relatively low maintenance chickens. In another blog article, we have one comment mentioning a lethargic silkie, but I would say it’s not specific to that breed.
Similar to traditional silkies and other bantam breeds, extreme cold temperatures can pose a risk of frostbite or sudden chill given their small stature and their unfeathered necks. While I regularly let my flock free range (even in the cold of the winter) it’s important that they have a safe and warm space to retreat to, out of the wind and the elements.
And I’m not shy to admit that on exceptionally cold nights, I’ve been known to wrangle my bantam flock members and bring them in for a stay in our stone basement. Though this is a debatable practice, and I certainly caution not to make their stay extended, it is a safe alternative to leaving them in the coop in -30 degree weather.
Another consideration for our furry friends is their disposition. Showgirls, like Silkies, are extremely gentle demeanour. This makes them susceptible to bullying from larger flock members or particularly aggressive hens.
It’s best practice to keep bantam breeds and meek birds out of a standard flock (this is a general rule and there are certainly exceptions).
Showgirl Silkies are an excellent addition to a backyard flock.
A cross between a traditional silkie and a prehistoric turken, they are unique, easy to care for, and are undeniably adorable (if you can get past that naked neck and the BULGE of a full crop).